issue 101 - Embedded systems newsletter

Embedded systems #101

Newsletters 101: Publish regularly and try as much as possible to keep the quality high.

Without transition, I would like to share that I’m working to add a new section to the website. A section to let engineers share on one page 2/3 pictures of their lab/desk and a few words on themselves. If you are interested to share your workspace, send me an email , and I’ll let you know what to do.

Thank you to Frank Wang for the header’s picture .

Happy reading!


Code maintenance and magic numbers
In this article Matthew starts from a simple 3 lines function with a magic number right in the middle. He explains how it should be refactored to dramatically improve the maintainability of the function.

MPW-6 Walkthrough
Matt Venn filmed this walk through to help beginners submitting their project to the 6th shuttle of the Open MPW Program. It’s a great opportunity for chips designers to have their open source design actually fabricated. Deadline is June 8th!

Introduction to Compilers and Language Design
Douglas Thain is providing for free his work on compilers for any personal or academic use. The whole book is available as a PDF and examples are on Github.

Talking with the Moon: Inside Apollo’s premodulation processor
Ken Shirriff got the opportunity to open an Appollo’s premodulation processor. With photos and diagrams he explains the role and how each module was working. There is no other resource like this article on this subject. It’s a must-read.

Building a system based on the W65C816S microprocessor
An excellent series of posts describing component by component how the author creates them. There are posts on the PCB design, a VGA extension card, a sound card or the creation of an emulator. The author is still building the system so we can expect future posts.

Linux Inside
Very good writing covering the Linux kernel implementation details.

Driving a Large E-Paper Display with a Compact Xiao RP2040
This small project is interesting specifically because of the large aspect of the e-paper display. Nothing more, nothing less.

FabGL is a huge one man work. Fabrizio built an impressive set of libraries for ESP32. The biggest part is display driver but FabGL comes with few others components: keyboard and mouse control, audio engine, game engine, etc…


R3 Solutions GmbH, Wireless Embedded Developer, Full-time, Berlin, Germany (Open to remote)
Since 2015 the team around the founders of R3 Solutions are developing groundbreaking wireless solutions. Our heart beats for wireless communications and we are proud to say that we are leading the field of WiFi-based ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC).


Commodore 64 Chip Designer Interview: Albert Charpentier
The opportunity for the Commodore 64 lovers among us to discover the creation of the home computer from one of its creator point of view.